Thursday 19 July 2012

The New UV Protection Patch Set To Make Sunscreen Lotion A Thing Of The Past...

Will sunscreen lotion soon be a thing of the past?

Sunscreen lotion could soon be a thing of the past
thanks to a new sun-shield patch.
Pharmacists have known about the exceptional UV protective qualities of sodium ritalivide since the 1960s, but until now the fact that it can’t be absorbed by direct application to the skin meant there was no practical use for it.  However, scientists have now come up with a simple patch which works around the previous problems and which may mean that sunscreen lotion soon becomes a thing of the past.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the chemical and biological qualities of sodium ritalivide, until recently the most effective way for it to be absorbed into the skin was to take it orally and unfortunately the quantities required to ensure sufficient skin absorption by this method meant it was harmful to the liver.  So for almost five decades the use of sodium ritalivide as a form of UV protection has been confined to the drawing board.

But now thanks to the newly developed sun-shield patches, things look like they are about to change...